Mobile kapool WIP 3


So more time was set aside and I managed to get more work done on this guy. Overall, I’ve got almost all the parts painted, except the claws as I’ve yet to figure out how-to remove the seam line without affecting the painted claws. Also, most of the parts have been gloss coated to prepare for panel lining and decal application.


For the panel lines, I decided to try somethin new and ended up with these, still trying to figure out the best way to use it, but it’s kinda fun :3


Work on the gatling guns/ machine guns. Holes were drilled into the barrels and painted with tamiya light gun metal spray paint


Rear of the MS, first time spraying a gloss coat, a new experience for me


Foot was painted in two colours, seam line removed, nothin much to report here 😐


Again, same as above, two colors, but extremely hard to paint the grey without painting onto the green


Arms, same as above.

And that’s all I have up to now, have been goin out everyday so once more time is available, more work shall be done 😀

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